Hello, Reader In this article we going to round up all the Best Working Kodi addon in 2020.
These addons can be run on the Android Mobiles & Tablets, Windows & Mac computers, FireStick, Fire Stick 4K, Fire TV Cube, and all the devices which support Kodi Software.
best working kodi addons 2020
Now you can enjoy all the movies, TV shows, Comedy, Song without buffering with this addon.
The Kodi addons scene is in some trouble after news of DishTV suing tv addons and Zem TV. A lot of addons have since shut down, some addons have been taken over by other developers.
Amongst all the confusion, we have add-ons that are still working. In this post, we are going to list the best working Kodi addons in 2020.
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Pre-Requisites -You should know how to add a repository from a url and from a zip file. We will be linking to repository url or repository zip file.
Best Working Kodi Addons
Here is the List of All the Addons for the movies which is working perfectly on Kodi software whethere you are using kodi on PC, Mobile or Firestick TV.

1. Exodus Redux
This addon was first seen in the 2018, This addon is the most active and 100% working addon for the kodi software. As everyone knows about the Exodus addon is dead and this addon has taken the place of it.
Exodus redux addon is awesome for the streaming movies, TV shows, Documentaries and some other extras. When you are running this addon then you should activate Setup real debrid account to watch the streaming in HD.
Exodus Redux Repository –
Check How to Install Exodus Redux Addon
2. Covenant Addon
Covenant Addon comes with the two repository first one called Cy4root and the second is Covenant.
This addon was down for a long time but now it’s again up and working. This addon is must suggested for the watching movies and TV shows.
If you want get high stream then you you should setup the real-debrid account with and you will get most perfect HD link to stream.
Repository – cy4root2.github.io/zip
Covenant Kodi Addon
3. Venom Addon
This addon required to set-up the real-debrid account and you will have to pay for it to. Venom addon is the fresh and new addon in the market.
You will super HD quality of streaming and all the links will be the premium and you will have the smooth streams throughout the day and night. As I said the venom addon is the new so you will get all the new Movies and TV shows on it.
The Venom addon developers are very active if there any issue occured it will be fixed ASAP. The content library is huge and it’s uses lambada scrappers.
Repository – 123venom.github.io
4. The Crew Kodi Addon
This addon is filled up with the unlimited number of entertainment like TV Shows, Sports, Movies, Cartoon, Radio, 4K movies, Trak List, Year, People, Genres, International, Additional Addons, Comedy, Songs, and much more.
This addon is a working addon comes from the The Crew team which is providing such a great addon for us to watching the Movies and shows.
Addon status is running and active, you just need to install it and enjoy the streaming.
Install The Crew Kodi Addon
Repository – team-crew.github.io
5. DejaVu Addon
DejaVu Addon comes up with the two technology which is torrenting and scrapping, If any technology fails then the other will handle and provide the content to you.
DejaVu addon is a very decent addon for Movies and TV shows you can also watch some sports content and documentaries as well as content for kids. When you will pair this addon with theexpired
Repository – dejavurepo.github.io
6. Tempest Addon
Tempest addon is well maintained working addon on Kodi 18.0 Leila, This addon serves you a huge library of movies and TV shows including old contents.
This addon is similar to the Covenant addon. The video library is getting bigger very rapidly you will absolutely enjoy this addon.
You can Install this addon on kodi whether you are on PC, Firestick, Mobile or any other supported devices.
This addon is is regularly maintained addon so you will be satisfied with it.
Repository – tempest0580.github.io
7. Seren Kodi Addon
One of the another new kodi addon called Seren, This provide all the streaming in premium link, This addon is not for free you will have to set up the Real Debrid or Premiumize for streaming. Seren library is big for Movies and TV shows.
One of the biggest benefits of the Seren is you will get only high quality streaming links because It’s only based on the premium links. The streaming will faster and there will no buffering at all.
Repository – nixgates.github.io/packages
8. Nemesis AIO
As Its name says Nemesis AIO it means this is All In One addon where you can find and stream Movies, TV shows, cartoon, documentaries, Gaming, anime and much more things in just one addon.
This addon is superb for all kind of people, You will get high premium quality video if you will setup the real-debrid with Nemesis AIO.
Repository – streamarmy.co.uk/repo
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Disclaimer - SeriesMaza.com does not verify the legality or security of any add-ons, apps or services mentioned on this site. Also, we do not promote, host or link to copyright-protected streams.
Frequently asked questions regarding best working kodi addons.
What is the Best Addon for Firestick?
Can I Watch Movies with Kodi Addons?
Is Kodi TV free?
How to install kodi on android phone?
How do I add repository to Kodi?
Go to System > File Manager and double click on add source. In the ‘None’ section, type in the link of the repository you want to install and click on “Done”.
Final Verdict –
When It comes streaming the movies and TV shows the best source is the Kodi software. In kodi you can find huge library of Addon. Some addon are free and some addon are paid.
In this article we have discussed both addon free and paid choose any addon which suits you the most.
If you have any queries regarding Kodi Addons then just comment down we will help you ASAP.